
▲高爾文蹲在路邊將困在排水孔的小貓救出。(圖/翻攝自「Pasadena Police Department」臉書,下同)


兒童美語教學影片 彰化幼兒美語補習班 南投幼兒美語補習班美國德州帕薩迪納警方日前在臉書上公布一段溫馨影片,一名警察高爾文深夜執勤開車行經高架橋時,聽到路邊傳來小貓的哀叫聲,於是他趕緊調頭並下車尋找聲音來源,花費了一番功夫才將受困在排水孔的小貓救出,超有愛的救援過程全被警車的行車記錄器拍下,也在網路上獲得不少迴響。在職進修 英文 兒童語言學習 兒童英語繪本

帕薩迪納(Pasadena)警方表示,在大多數人都在睡覺的時候,員警高爾文(Galvan)正在進行一場小小救援行動,日前深夜值勤行經高架橋時,突然聽見路邊傳來貓咪的哀叫聲,接著眼角餘光捕捉兒童學英文影片 免費幼兒英文網站 幼兒英文網站教學到小貓眼睛的反光,於是趕緊調頭並下車尋找聲音來源。


高爾文搜索了一下,果然在一兒童美語老師 線上兒童美語遊戲 線上兒童美語會話個排水孔中發現卡住的小貓,於是開始試圖引誘小貓走向自己,好伸手將牠抓出洞外,但卻遭嚇壞的小傢伙抓咬了好幾下,高爾文仍耐心地不斷出聲安撫,最後終於成功將牠救出。



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WHILE YOU WERE SLEEPING WEDNESDAY:Did you know that while most of us were sleeping, Officer Galvan conducted a harrowing rescue on top of Beltway 8?! AND...it was all caught on video!!Officer Galvan was at the Exxon at Red Bluff and Beltway when he heard what sounded like a kitten crying. The crying sounded like it was coming from the Beltway. After shining his light up on the overpass, he could see the kitten's eyes reflecting back. The kitten was stuck on the Beltway 8 overpass over Red Bluff and could not get down.The angle was too steep for Officer Galvan to walk up to the kitten, so he had to drive to 225 and U-turn back onto Beltway 8 and back to the Red Bluff overpass. After searching for a bit, he located the kitten wedged in between the drain openings at the bottom of the barriers. He could see the back of the kitten sticking out on the other side of the barrier and reached over in attempts to grab it. Apparently this kitten was NOT in the mood to be rescued and began scratching and biting Officer Galvan. As a result, Officer Galvan lost his grip and the kitten fell back onto the Beltway and ran back under the barrier. Determined to rescue the kitten, Officer Galvan regrouped, licked his wounds, grabbed his gloves and lock out device and made a second successful attempt. After calming the kitten down, and making sure it received plenty of water, Officer Galvan took the kitten to the caring arms of the Pasadena Animal Shelter.All in a day's work for our night shift officers.

Posted by Pasadena Police Department on 2015年7月15?

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